Primary School,
New South Wales
Meet Melissa, a primary school teacher from NSW with 28 years of teaching experience. Learn about what inspired Melissa to get into teaching, her stand out teaching moment and advice she gives to anyone considering a career in teaching.
What inspired you to get into teaching?
For as long as I can recall I have wanted to be a teacher. I have been lucky enough to be taught by some wonderful teachers throughout my school life – no doubt that influence has continued to inspire me to reach my goals.
Why do you teach?
I teach because of the students. They are the reason I do my job. Teaching is a tremendous privilege. Being a part of a child’s development as a learner is not for the faint hearted, but such an amazing experience. Facing challenges, overcoming obstacles and seeing the joy of success on students’ faces are priceless. It’s a crazy ride, but so worth it!
What’s your stand out/most memorable teaching moment?
It is hard to pick just one memorable teaching moment. The relationships that you can end up building, with not only the students, but also their families, can be truly remarkable. It is heartwarming to hear a person say, ‘You were my favourite teacher’ years after they have been at your school. Hearing a former student of mine state that she is becoming a teacher because of me was a truly humbling experience as well.
What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?
Teaching is an incredible career. Challenging, at times frustrating and exhausting, a juggling act, wonderful and rewarding. Making connections with other passionate teachers is something to promote. I have been lucky enough to have some wonderful colleagues who inspire me each day. Teaching is not always easy, but it’s also a career that brings such incredible joy to my life.