First Nations

Be That Teacher is a joint Australian, state and territory government initiative which aims to showcase the value and importance of teachers and encourages individuals to consider a career in teaching.

On this page:

Teachers and knowledge sharing is an important part of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. We recognise and celebrate the important role that First Nations teachers play in inspiring the next generation of leaders across the community.

We all remember that one teacher that helped us to learn and grow, who created a safe space or supported us through school.

It's not just about academics; it's about acknowledging, preserving and celebrating First Nations cultural identity, nurturing leadership, and building a strong foundation for the future.

‘Be That Teacher’ shines a spotlight on the inspiring stories from teachers and provides an opportunity for them to share their pathway to becoming a teacher.

Resources have been developed to help encourage more mob to consider a rewarding career as a teacher and acknowledge the work of current First Nations teachers inspiring students across the continent.

Campaign artist and artwork story

The artwork featured across the Be That Teacher campaign is titled ‘Connections’ by Michaela Jeffries, a Wiradjuri and Ngemba woman, artist, and pre-service teacher on Wiradjuri Country in regional NSW.

Read Michaela's artwork story and bio

Sharing your teacher stories

Do you have a deadly teacher story to share? Submit your own story on the online teacher gallery. Our stories inspire others and build our First Nations teacher base, nationally.

Watch all the inspiring teacher stories.

Video advertisement 60 seconds – Mr Collinson

Video advertisement 30 seconds – Mr Collinson

Poster – Mr Collinson

Poster - Barran (Aunty) Alanah

Video story: Connecting to language, culture and Country, teaching in Coffs Harbour

Video story: ‘Connections’ by artist and teacher Michaela Jeffries


Fact sheet

Fact sheet - Pathways to teaching

Resource Toolkit

First Nations Resource Toolkit


Be That Teacher First Nations campaign resource toolkit

33C_2377_DoE_Elevating Teachers_Resource_Kit_v7.pdf

Social media tiles

Social media tile - Kylie Captain