Primary School,
New South Wales
What inspired you to get into teaching?
I wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do after high school, but I had always enjoyed the jobs that involve working with children, so I gave teaching a go. The more I learnt, and the more experiences in education I had, the more interested I became in teaching - and I haven’t looked back!
Why do you teach?
The joy of witnessing a student grasp a new concept or light up with excitement over a discovery is contagious. It's in these moments that I feel a great sense of fulfilment and purpose. It has been a career that is filled with new challenges, interesting people, and every day is different. It keeps me on my toes that's for sure!
What's your stand out/most memorable teaching moment?
I think being there to introduce students to new ideas and experiences is a stand out moment for me. Doing these small things like going on a trip to a new place, or tasting a fruit they’ve never heard of before, give us the opportunity to open doors for students and get them excited about learning about the world. I was very lucky to be able to live and teach in London for nearly eight years. In my time there I worked with so many great people from around the world and took advantage of the central location to do lots of travelling. The flexibility of teaching allowed me to have so many memorable experiences.
Have you received a special keepsake from your student/s that you treasure?
It is always so lovely getting keepsakes and gifts at the end of the school year from classes. The one I treasure most is a scrap book of letters and photos created by one class. It is such a nice reminder of all their beautiful and funny personalities.
What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?
It’s hard but it’s worth it! Overwhelmingly the people you work with will all want you to succeed and they can be the greatest source of support and encouragement. So don’t get too stuck in the hard times because everything is always changing and adapting. Being a problem solver is a huge part of this job and those skills will get you far!