Laura Lewis

Primary School,
New South Wales

What inspired you to get into teaching?

When I look back on my own schooling journey, I look back with such fond memories. The teachers, the learning environment, the experiences and the friendships that I formed throughout those 13 years have shaped me into the person I am today. I went into teaching wanting to be a positive influence on the next generation of children and I guess, give students fond memories as I have of my own schooling. I want to be someone who they can say positively impacted their childhood. Someone who taught them, guided them, listened and mentored them to achieve goals and success.

Why do you teach?

I teach because I want to make a difference - "Be the difference you want to see in the world". I continue to teach because I feel a sense of success and pride in shaping the next generation of people who will shape our world.

What's your stand out/most memorable teaching moment?

One of my students was diagnosed with an illness which required them to receive treatment in hospital for an extended period of time. It was apparent to me during this time that the role of a teacher is so much more than someone who delivers the curriculum. Sometimes our greatest achievement as teachers is not when a student learns a concept from the curriculum, but when we can help to make a student feel seen, heard, cared for and a part of a community. The student's parents wrote me a letter when they left school. A beautiful moment that I treasure.

What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?

I once attended a seminar where Steve Francis, an experienced educator and published author, said the following which has stayed with me..

"What's the most important decision you will make today? It's that you choose your attitude. Attitudes are contagious. Ask yourself, is your attitude worth catching?"

Teaching is hard work, but it is very rewarding. You choose how you enter your classroom every day, and your attitude towards learning, your students and your classroom is infectious.

Quote reading - I teach because I want to make a difference

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