Primary School,
New South Wales
What inspired you to get into teaching?
I remember sitting in my Year 5 classroom, jittering with excitement, and developing a new-found self-confidence and love for learning. This feeling stuck with me and drove me to become a teacher that inspires students to dream big, be kind, and form a love for pushing their limits to learn new things. Teaching gives me the opportunity to bring out joy in students each day. The idea of being able to change a student's day into a positive experience makes teaching the most incredible and impactful job in the world.
Why do you teach?
Facilitating an environment that fosters an eagerness to give things a go and be okay with making mistakes is an essential component of learning. The best magical moment follows seeing a student’s smile grow as they realise they have solved a problem or reached a goal. Seeing their confidence flourish as they chip away at reaching these goals, and little wins being achieved for both individuals and the whole class, makes this the best adventure I get to embark on each day with the students. Sometimes you can really transform a student’s life just by putting a smile on their face, making them feel heard, and providing a platform for them to achieve their absolute best.
What's your stand out/most memorable teaching moment?
Working with kindergarten students over the past two years has shown me how great the impact of a teacher can be on their young and keen minds. Seeing their smile widen when they finally get something is the most incredible thing to witness. Fortunately, these moments happen so often in kindergarten! One student in particular always worked so hard and tried every writing task to the best of their ability. Hearing how much that student has grown and flourished during their journey in Year 1 brings me so much joy.
Have you received a special keepsake from your student/s that you treasure?
I have kept all of the beautiful cards and letters from families over the last few years and I cherish them. It is so heartwarming to read that these students are having positive experiences and have been impacted by our time together.
What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?
Make meaningful relationships with your students and don't be afraid to be your unique self. They will appreciate you for it and will feel that their own uniqueness is welcomed! Teaching is such an incredibly rewarding job and can be challenging at times. Ask as many questions as you need to and utilise the expertise of other colleagues to support you. Helping young people grow and learn is so rewarding and truly is the best job! Enjoy the small moments and successes because you will constantly be learning new things as a teacher alongside your students.