Primary School,
Meet Craig, a primary school teacher from Queensland with 17 years of teaching experience. Craig shares what inspired him to get into teaching, why he teaches, and advice he gives to anyone considering a career in teaching.
What inspired you to get into teaching?
During my time in high school, I was very fortunate to have a teacher as one of my role models. That was my science teacher, Mr Shaw. He taught me the importance of working hard to achieve your goals. He always provided positive feedback and encouraged me to learn new strategies to manage my studies and achieve outstanding results. I felt that he cared for all students and wanted them to be lifelong learners. Knowing that I had support showed me that if I worked hard, listened in class, and followed the instructions, learning objectives and success criteria, I would achieve high results. Without his support and guidance, I would not have taken up the teaching profession. Having a strong teacher role model at school shaped my teaching direction and I hope that I have been a positive, supportive, helpful, and constructive role model for my students.
Why do you teach?
Seeing the impact of my instruction and guidance on students who finally master a skill and can confidently work alongside their peers independently, inspires me to teach. I enjoy making meaningful relationships with students who are eager to learn. I acknowledge the importance of teaching the whole student which is recognised through a holistic education. I know the impact a single teacher can have on a student’s education and learning growth. I want to be that positive, shining light that sees the good in a student and I want to encourage students to do their best in all aspects of their learning.
I often attend students' academic, sporting, dance and drama performances. This shows students I care, which has a flow on effect with their engagement in the classroom. Demonstrating to students that I care and am genuinely interested, has a direct correlation with their academic and personal success.
What’s your stand out/most memorable teaching moment?
One of my major teaching moments includes supporting a student who had then only just been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder, to navigate the challenges he faced and to achieve success at his level, both academically and socially. This student has now gone on to achieve a trade qualification and be a contributing member of society.
What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?
Teaching is a rewarding profession. The immediate impact of your teaching can be seen in the confidence and expression of students. The lasting impacts are recognised when students who you have taught, come up to you years down the track and say the positive impacts you had directly made on their education and the development and growth as a person.