Early Childhood,
Meet Amy, an early childhood teacher from Queensland with 12 years of teaching experience. Learn about what inspired Amy to get into teaching, her stand out teaching moment and advice she gives to anyone considering a career in teaching.
What inspired you to get into teaching?
I have always wanted to be a teacher and I guess I put it all down to my own teachers throughout primary school. I can remember each of them from pre-school all the way to Year 7. They were all different, but they left a clear mark on my life leading me to become a teacher. I am also incredibly lucky to be teaching at my old primary school!
Why do you teach?
Children come to school with a zest for life and learning. I love them coming to me in the mornings before school or running up to me on a play duty, just to say good morning. This year my prep students love to tell me what they had for breakfast! I love to have this energy around me to kick start my day with positivity!
Another big reason that I love to teach is the ‘lightbulb’ moment. When a student learns something new and really gets it you can see it on their face. Their smile is just so amazing and rewarding to see. These amazing young students are absolutely the reason I teach!
What’s your stand out/ most memorable teaching moment?
Last year, my first year of teaching prep, was a real stand out. I had the most amazing bunch of kids! It was hard for me to watch them go up to Year 1. I often joked that they weren’t allowed to go.
One day, we were practicing blending sounds together to make a word. I sounded out the word ‘cat’ slowly to the class. One student very confidently yelled out “octopus’’! My immediate thought was ‘oh my gosh, we have a long way to go’. By the end of the year, this same bunch of amazing kids were reading books independently, writing numbers up to 100, adding and subtracting, writing information reports and so much more. The growth these students made was incredible and so fulfilling and rewarding. They have truly touched my heart and I will always remember them so fondly.
What is your advice for new teachers or people considering a career in teaching?
- It’s hard work but so fulfilling.
- Be prepared to throw out your lesson plan. Many things can happen that are out of your control.
- Build a relationship with parents and families, they are amazing people!
- Most of all, have fun with the kids. They are the whole reason as to why teaching is the most incredible job.