Early Childhood,
Western Australia
One of the children I taught was behind on their developmental milestones. After connecting with the child and their family, I was able to make a difference in their growth and development, as I supported them through their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
These came through the little things, such as making sure they got to celebrate their birthday with their first ever birthday party and watching them develop friendships and a sense of belonging, through to helping them achieve learning goals.
For me, the standout teaching moments are the little magic moments. Things such as a child being able to write their name independently for the first time, learning how to tie their shoelaces, and developing confidence within their learning environment. Each day is full of moments where I can see my impact on the children's lives. Nothing brings me more joy than knowing I am helping children in early childhood get ready for their next stage of learning, which will impact the rest of their lives.